Become a P2Pool Lender

Step-by-step guide on how to create a Lending Pool on Sodium

>>>> Watch a video tutorial or follow the steps below <<<<

  1. After connecting your wallet, head to the [Lending Pool] page to create a Pool

  1. Select collection(s) and set individual parameters like Oracle, APR, and LTV Ratio for each of them. You can edit these parameters at any time after creating a pool. Read More about Pool Parameters

  1. Add as many collections as you wish to your pool & click [Next Step]

  1. Choose the amount you would like to deposit to the Lending Pool. You can deposit more funds or withdraw funds anytime after creating the pool. Click [Create Pool] and confirm the transaction in your wallet

  1. After the transaction is processed, you will be redirected to the [Lending Pool] page where you can find:

  • Your current Lending Pool statistics

  • Edit or pause the Lending Pool

  • Withdraw or Deposit funds

Last updated